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Are Sports Valves just for use with Ducatis?

Not at all. The Sports Valves are designed for use in all forks using a damper rod system with an outside measurement of between 35 and 43mm.

How do I fit the Sports Valve?

We supply guides to fitting and adjusting the forks with the kit, and these guides are also available on the Sports Valve page. It is possible to fit the valves in a basic home workshop with some mechanical knowledge. If you are unsure, we would advise using a trained mechanic as we do not accept damaged returns.

Do you recommend a particular oil for use with the Sports Valve?

We advise a fully-synthetic 5W fork oil. Our research shows Red Line fork oil would be the first choice, and we don't get paid to say that.

How much oil should I use in my forks once the Sports Valves are installed?

Rather than measuring the quantity of oil, more importantly, measure the air gap above the oil level. With springs fitted, and the fork leg fully extended, look for between 300 and 340mm gap. This air gap can be measured easily with the adjusting tool. Please read the Adjustment Guide for further details.

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Which countries do you ship to?

We ship all around the world. Our shop is able to process shipping addresses in Australasia, Europe, the US and Japan. If you live outside these areas, contact us for a shipping estimate.

To find out the shipping cost to your address, add your preferred item to the shopping cart, type in your destination, and there will be a complete cost calculated.

What currencies can I pay for my order in?

All our displayed prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) and all payments are processed in NZD. Each product page contains a link to a currency converter so you can check the current rates of exchange before you order.

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